Follow Leah on a journey as she guides you to reawaken your creative feminine energy to create the life of your dreams. Learn to harness and deeply embody the wisdom of alchemy, your female biology, and the the lessons of your past and present to consciously craft a future that honors your true path in life as a woman in creative control of her life.
4 Powerful Modules
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Discover the blind spots in your life that re keeping you from creating your dream reality
Expand and dislate through calcified fear structures in your system blocking the flow of your creative energy
Break through your own self sabotage wand ways you are unconsciously creating what you say you dont want
Understand the energetic wisdom of your biology as a female and learn to use it to create your dream life in a way that feel easeful and life affirming instead of forceful
2. Draped in Devotion
Learn to dress in a way that invites positive, life affirming connections and opportunities to you.
Conquer fears of being seen and being vulnerable by tapping into your true self underneath of performance
Regain access to your feminine desire by tapping back into pleasure - what looks and feels good to your feminine heart vs dressing to please others.
Remember and expand your creative and playful potential as a feminine being.
Master the art of feminine grace as an act of self-honoring vs a performative attempt to manipulate responses from others.
Learn the art of expressive gratitude as a beauty practice. Learn the energetics of clothing and presentation.
Use the history and science of our species evolution to become the most attractive woman in any room.
Use beauty to motivate, inspire and nurture both yourself and others.
Tap into your unique inner beauty frequency and translate it externally.
Tap into a felt sense of abundance through feminine resourcefulness aka “using what you have” no matter your financial state.
Break out of limiting beliefs around beauty, feminine expression, and what is "attractive."
Release a more playful self-honoring expression of yourself to the world as an act of service to the expansion of others.
3. Crafting Your Spiritual Team :
Strategically craft your spiritual support team using alchemical self awareness
Take empowered spiritual and creative responsibility for understanding the roles people are playing in facilitating lessons and guiding your life into deeper wisdom.
How and when different spiritual teachers appears and how to consciously chose your teachers
Learn how rapidly up-level your life by receiving blessings and spiritual lessons from the people currently in your life (whether they are aware of it or not)
Discover the role parents, children, difficult people, and even those who have inflicted trauma pllay in the activation of your journey as a self responsible woman fully activated in her creative and alchemical power
4. Spiritual and Emotional Solidity
Learn how to use the material world around you (physical objects you already own) to facilitate spiritual and energetic change in your life - making your home, body , place of work, and spaces you inhabit a temple and portal for God to move through.
Grid your entire life with intention, prayer, and the energy of transformation
Learn how to conjure emotional states and sensations in order to anchor new beliefs and truths into your conscious and subconscious reality
Discover the role of sensation in belief and reality creation and discover how to manipulate sensation and powerfully create sensation that matches and normalizes how you desire to feel
Move stuck emotion and process emotion from the past
5. Βonus Mystery Module
Crème-de-la-crème level of support for ladies looking to dramatically up level their lives and are ready to invest in themselves
1 2 hour call per week for 3 months
​Customized private support through voice notes throughout the week
Bespoke embodiment practices and exercises custom tailored to your life goals and desire​
Forever access to call recordings
Bi- Weekly 2 hour long calls
Top level group support for ladies looking to uplevel in the community of other women
Learn alongside others as they share and grow with group Q&A’s
Group embodiment practices to help you make massive shifts
Access to recorded classes